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TRG’s statement about the recent high-profile trials and what companies can do to support an environment that is diverse, inclusive and equitable.

During the last few weeks, we have seen the conclusion of two high-profile, racially significant trials – Rittenhouse and the Arbery murder with juries rendering two different verdicts – innocent and guilty, respectively. As we move forward from these verdicts, we must acknowledge the impact on Black employees and create space inside organizations for processing. 

Processing loss of life, polarized views, systemic and historical racism, and repeated and compounding trauma takes an emotional, mental, and physical toll on Black employees. As we move forward, it is imperative that we acknowledge this impact and actively do the work to create a psychologically safe environment that promotes healing.  

 Below are steps you can take now to create a more psychologically safe environment:  

      • Acknowledging Black employees current emotions 
      • Listening to employees and advocating for suggested changes 
      • Showing support at the organizational level while also being aware of issuing empty statements 
      • Providing space and time for processing during the workday 
      • Providing culturally competent mental health resources 

 As we commit ourselves to build a future of unity that is diverse, inclusive, and equitable, it is vital that we, along with other companies, lead with empathy, check-in with each other, and create space for processing. 

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