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Life as a college student during the COVID-19 pandemic

Moving into the unknown

As the pandemic continues to evolve, there is much to reflect on regarding how much has changed from our pre-pandemic lifestyles to our “new normal.” As an incoming senior at Temple University, I spent most of my college experience in a virtual environment where I had to adapt to many learning adjustments and changes. Essentially, we all went through a transformation.

I remember in March 2020, we transition to all online learning. Little did I know that this would be the starting point for a new chapter in my academic and professional career. At first, I was very scared of what the future entailed. Like many others, I thought this would be a temporary fix for a short-term issue. However, the pandemic was here for the long haul, and we have to make adjustments.

Zoom University?

Adjusting to the new virtual learning environment was extremely difficult. I am the kind of learner where I prefer to be hands-on and interactive while settling into a routine of going to class. However, with the limitations of online learning, my professors and peers all had to collaborate and decide the best ways to keep the college experience alive.

Most of my professors were sympathetic to these changes, and they worked their hardest to facilitate this transition. There was a strong emphasis on student-teacher collaboration and Agile-like learning. My professors would experiment with different ways of teaching and alter assignments and projects to make them more accessible and valuable for an online environment. They also remained readily available to support us through office hours and scheduled meetings. Through trial and error, professors and students worked together to adjust to these changes, and two-way communication was key to remaining engaged and involved with the material. My professors understood that we are all human, allowing students to readjust to these changes on their timelines. All we had to do was communicate to them our needs and issues if they came up.

Furthermore, many of my peers realized that their original plans needed to be realigned or adjusted somehow before the pandemic. The opportunities and resources that were once at our fingertips were no longer available for us. Many students, including myself, felt like we had no direction, and it was unknown where life would go. Despite these obstacles, many Temple students were resilient and shifted their focus to maintaining mental health during this uncertain time. We had to transform our mindsets to focus on moving forward rather than letting what we can’t control dictate our decisions.

Changing a mindset

When the pandemic hit, the world around us seemed to be falling apart. Thousands were dying every day, and we all lived in fear of the impact that this pandemic would have on our lives. With the chaos all around, it was difficult to stay focused and motivated with school. I needed to adjust my mindset so that I could stay focused through all the turmoil. 

I practiced gratitude every day and focused on what I had versus what I lacked to realign my mindset. It sounds simple, but it is a gradual process where I recognize negative thought patterns and observe my initial reactions. I then took active steps forward in changing these thought patterns to respond instead of reacting. Responding to situations instead of reacting has completely transformed my life, and I feel like I can bounce back quicker when the rollercoaster of life throws me off my path. The pandemic is a prime example of this, and I took what I learned and applied it to my academic and professional career.

A redefined college experience

When we transitioned to 100 percent online, I needed to pivot many of the plans I had in place. I always wanted to study abroad. I was accepted into a study abroad program in Quito, Ecuador. However, the program was canceled due to the pandemic, and I was devastated.

I realized this is all out of my control. So, I needed to readjust my priorities, make the best out of the situation, get more involved in student organizations, and apply for internships. Student organizations, such as Student Government, club dance team, and the Temple Talk show, kept the college experience alive in some ways and fostered a stronger community.  

I remained very involved with my student groups despite the transition to online communications. We held zoom meetings and stayed active, and I believe that the pandemic has brought us all closer to overcome this shared challenge. When we all have the same experience among a group of people, whether negative or positive, there is an added layer of relatability to the group dynamic. So, this fostered a safe space among my student organizations to share our different struggles, communicate things we needed help with, and support one another in any way we can.

Internship from home

I had the preconceived notion that a remote internship would not be as valuable. I felt that it would be like online schooling, where I lacked engagement and motivation. However, because I transformed my education online, I could also transition my work experience online.  

Despite working remotely, I am learning to adapt to our new world of working and creating a more structured routine that prepares me for the future. Through my internship, there is a strong emphasis on communication, collaborative work, and teamwork. I feel like I am a part of something bigger than myself despite being behind a computer screen. I am learning to manage my time and organize my priorities more independently, and my team supports me by reinforcing the collaborative working style and guiding me along the way. This internship process taught me that keeping an open mind to the opportunities ahead is an important part of being open to change.

Light at the end of tunnel

So, with more than a year of online learning, my experience is not unique. This pandemic impacted everyone, and we all had to adjust to these changes. However, being a college student added a layer of uncertainty. Many students are starting their career paths and asking themselves: What do we want to do after college, and how will the pandemic affect our career paths and opportunities? What does our future look like?

With all the uncertainty still ahead of us, we must forge ahead. Many businesses and organizations are growing and expanding, and the pandemic has taught many to be resilient and adaptive to change. So, through all these obstacles, college students are more prepared than ever for what is ahead. We can take what we have learned and experienced and apply it to our dreams and aspirations post-college and post-COVID-19 pandemic.

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