Principles of change pt 5

Principles of change: Create understanding and connection

Change is a fundamental necessity for growth and transformation, and we need to understand, implement, and manage change more quickly and more effectively. Companies are becoming more aware of the importance of change management to assist people in working through and accepting change, helping them become more change agile.

As TRG Agency partners with organizations to develop their change competency, we need to keep in mind core principles and understand how to address them effectively.

In the third part of this five-part series, let’s talk about creating understanding and connection. 

Before moving on, be sure to check out the other installments of this series on change principles.

People don’t need to agree with the change, but they do need to understand the path and how they connect to it

“If you want to build a ship, then don’t drum up men to gather wood, give orders, and divide the work. Rather, teach them to yearn for the far and endless sea.”

                                                                                                                 — Antoine de Saint-Exupery

While there can be more than one change happening at once, leaders must make the connections for their teams and show how these changes work together and what the possibilities can be.

Communicate the potential futures

The first critical objective of any leader is to effectively communicate what the future can look like—everyone needs to see the big picture. In creating some personal context for your team, you connect them to outcomes instead of only values. Individuals in any part of a business must understand how they relate to and serve the overall purposes of the business. When your team understands the possibilities and their connection, it empowers them to make decisions. Even in the middle of chaos, this enables them to act with confidence.

Communicate the path forward 

The big picture is all about clarity: You know where you are headed, and your actions are aligned with the business goals. With the big picture clearly in mind, every decision you make and every action you take can be framed into how it supports or hinders the business. The more meaningful a business becomes to individuals, the more effort people exert to bring about success. This is very different from a mission or vision statement that is “owned” by the organization and not the individuals.

However, it is equally important for individuals to understand how they connect to and serve their own and other workgroups, departments, and the organization, as well as how that “system” supports the business. With this, they can think more holistically within the organization for the success of the business.

Understanding Leads to Success

As team members understand and embrace their role in reaching business goals, others will likely view them as critical and necessary partners who can be trusted to provide strategic solutions. They don’t merely serve processes, but truly serve business outcomes. As a result, they gain more ability to be a key influencer with appropriate solutions. This view of their role, combined with their understanding of the big picture, will allow them to create solutions that meet or exceed expectations.

More to come

This is the third part of our five-part series on change. So, stay tuned for our next installment, Principles of change: Building trust on our blog

Of course, if you’re going through change or transformation, TRG Agency can help. Reach out to us to see how we can help you and your organization.

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