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Using art and science to lead change

There’s no doubt that change and transformation implementations and sustainability are hard work. They can be complex, involving processes, systems, and people changes that all weave together to create a tapestry of complicated networks and connections. To make change actually stick, it takes more than just “doing the work” and checking off a to-do list; instead, it takes the perfect combination of art and science.  

But you may be asking what art and science are? After all, it is one of TRG’s taglines. We view it as gathering the tools and methodologies (science) and then being able to use the tools in a flexible and customized way (art) according to each specific problem we’re trying to solve. This is a little look into our secret sauce and how we partner with our clients to create successful engagement and sustainable change.  

Learning the basics and continuing to learn 

The science side of our work is pretty straightforward. We have a tool bag full of methodologies, assessments, frameworks, forms, checklists, plans, and so on, that we use to really understand and figure out where our clients are and where they want to go. There are hundreds of tools to choose from. For example, TRG often uses principles and methodologies such as Kotter, PROSCI, and Conner Partners 

 These tools give a structured path to address change initiatives. But it’s not as easy as picking up a wrench and throwing it into our tool bag, but rather it involves doing our homework and continuing to learn. This requires time and energy, voracious reading, continuous networking, and a dedication to ongoing learning. This kind of commitment is challenging and exciting because it’s never finished. There’s always something new to learn and a new tool to add to our bag. As much as we are experts, we are also students ready to learn the next progression of these tools.   

Anyone can hold a paintbrush… not everyone can paint 

So, the science is part of understanding where our clients are and where they want to go. However, the art is HOW we’re going to get there. So now that we have the tools at our dispense, where do we go from here?  

 Anyone can facilitate a survey or follow a particular path or method, but that’s not how change works. Change does not move linearly, and change does not follow a clear straight line to point A to point B. Instead, it may feel like two steps forward, one step back, or at one point, it may plateau or veer off into a completely different direction. Each situation, project, or problem has its own unique fingerprint that requires flexibility and customization. Knowing how to use the tools at the right time and place takes practice, gaining wisdom from past failures, and a valued support network of change leads – this is the art of our work.  

 And to be honest, it’s challenging and scary at times. Employing the art of change requires flexibility and a willingness to change or modify the original plan and react to the current situation and its nuances. Furthermore, it requires the courage and candor to challenge the status quo, highlight risks, listen to your instincts, and be a champion for the people experiencing the change.  

Putting it all together 

Employing the art with the science of change can seem daunting – it requires flexibility, a willingness to change or modify the original plan, and react in the moment. You may have to put one tool away and bring out another tool midway through the job. It also requires the courage and candor to challenge the status quo, highlight risks to the sponsors, listen to their instincts, and champion the people experiencing the change. 

 Using the art and science of change goes far beyond achieving objectives and goals. It’s genuinely about creating that sustainable and impactful change to help business outcomes well into the future. You can also check out our Change Video Series that highlights our principles and thoughts on change.  

TRG’s art and science 

TRG can partner with your organization to provide a truly holistic and authentic approach to change, transformations, organization development, coaching, and thought leadership that will lead to sustainable and impactful change. If you are interested in learning more about our art and science and how we can partner with you, let’s talk! Get in touch with us today to start the conversation.